Oily Scalp After Keratin Treatment: What Causes It and How to Treat It

Having an oily scalp after a keratin treatment can be exceedingly aggravating. But there’s no need to be concerned. Some hairstylists will tell you that it’s normal and expected. We agree that it doesn’t look good along your hairline and partings, but there are simple ways to fix it without using hair care products that will undo your keratin treatment.

So don’t be afraid of the greasiness.

Let us show you what’s wrong with your scalp and how to fix it with a few simple changes to your post-keratin hair care routine.

Why Do You Have an Oily Scalp After a Keratin Treatment?

You can expect your scalp to feel oily in the first week because you won’t be washing your hair with shampoo very often.

1. Absence of a Shampoo Adjustment Period

Unfortunately, we are so fixated on washing our hair that we fail to recognize that the only possible explanation our scalp produces more sebum is to reimburse for the natural lubrication that regular shampoos strip from our hair and skin.

As a result, when you stop using shampoos, you notice that your scalp becomes excessively greasy.

But here’s the catch…

Because you’re not used to extending your hair washing for that long, it will feel strange at first.

What you must understand is that your scalp does not produce an excessive amount of oil. It is instead attempting to rebalance itself.

The best thing you can do is to be patient and allow your body to do its job.

We guarantee that after two weeks, not washing your hair as frequently will feel normal.

2. Your Hair Care Keratin Products contain sulfates

Sulfates are chemical detergents that are commonly found in household cleaning products. They are effective at removing stubborn dirt from your sink, oven, and kitchen appliances.

Consider how these chemicals will interact with your hair and scalp!

Sulfates can deplete the scalp’s moisture layer, exposing it to severe dryness and infection from bacteria such as fungus.

To protect itself from the harsh effects of sulfates, the scalp produces more sebum to protect itself and keep the hair lubricated.

If you’re using sulfate-containing shampoos right now, you’re overworking your scalp into a negative spiral of dryness and re-pushing oil from the glands to balance itself.

As time passes, the protective barrier on the scalp weakens. As a result, more sebum is sent to the rescue, causing your scalp to become oilier.

So STOP using sulfate-based shampoos and be cognizant of all your hair keratin products.

We highly recommend using these shampoos after a keratin treatment.

3. You’re Using Greasy Conditioners

Conditioners are great for adding slip and rebalancing your hair after shampooing, but they are not good for your scalp.

If you use a heavy, silicone-laden hair conditioner, it will cause buildup on the scalp if not thoroughly rinsed out.

Instead, use the Cadiveu Sol Do Rio Conditioner and deeply rinse your hair.

4. You’re Not Brushing Your Hair

We understand that most people are unsure whether or not to brush their hair after a keratin treatment.

The only reason hairstylists advise against brushing the hair is to avoid removing the keratin coating.

In short, if you must brush your hair, avoid doing so to remove snags and knots because it causes friction.

Instead, gently stimulate your scalp and loosen your hair with a hairbrush.

A lack of shampooing during the aftercare phase will make your scalp feel tacky.

To loosen the dirt and buildup at the roots, use Ikonic’s teasing brush, a boar bristle brush, and then buff it away.

Don’t let dirt and accumulation on your scalp buildup simply because you’re not allowed to wash your hair. They will become gloopy and entice more dust and dirt, causing greasiness.

Sweep away any buildup on your scalp with a boar bristle brush. It aids in keeping your scalp clean between washes.

5. You’re Not Getting Your Scalp Dry-Cleaned

If you don’t have to wash your hair for an extended period, that doesn’t mean you let it get dirty.

To irradiate your greasy roots, remove congested pores, and draw out impurities from the scalp that cause oiliness, you can use waterless washing in the form of dry shampoos.

After a keratin treatment, Cadiveu Sol Do Rio Shampoo is highly recommended. Use it twice a day to ensure that you can go longer between washes.

6. Keratin Treatment Too Near The Scalp

Finally, the application process may be to blame for your scalp feeling oily after your keratin treatment.

Most keratin product instructions state that the treatment should be applied at least 2 inches (5cm) away from the scalp.

Now, we know that some people are too eager to jump right into the DIY process without thoroughly reading the manual, which leads to major blunders.

Don’t be alarmed if you performed your treatment without adhering to this crucial rule.

Because the oil glands on your scalp are actively fighting irritation from the chemicals, your scalp will feel oily and waxy.

To soften the buildup, use a boar bristle brush and rinse your hair with lukewarm water.

It should clear up after a week or so, and your scalp will return to its natural state.

Now that you know what could be causing an oily or waxy scalp after a keratin treatment, let us show you a few tricks for dealing with it.

How to Restore Your Oily Scalp Following a Keratin Treatment

1. Allow Your Scalp to Adjust Patiently

The majority of people in the No poo circles have excessively greasy scalps at some point during their path. And they are aware that it is a phase they must pass through.

This is known as the transition phase, and it lasts until they reach a milestone known as No-Poo Nirvana.

This is the point at which the scalp has trained to adjust without shampoos and, as a result, is not overproducing sebum. The scalp begins to self-regulate and no longer feels as greasy and oily as it did before shampooing.

So, try to avoid washing your hair and instead let your scalp find the right balance.

2. Use a Boar Bristle Brush

The humble but powerful boar bristle brush should be your favorite hair care keratin product.

It has gentle bristles that will not cause friction to your hair strands, ensuring that your keratin treatment is not harmed.

You should love this brush even more because it stimulates your scalp.

It not only provides a therapeutic massage to your scalp as you brush through, but it also loosens dirt and stale sebum from the roots, unclogging the pores and removing oily buildup.

3. Ignore Touching Your Hair

Touching your hair and hairline regularly can transfer grease from your fingers to your hair and skin.

So, refrain from touching for a week and let your hair down for a few weeks.

Final Thoughts

That’s all there is to it.

The mighty boar bristle brush and a mild and gentle shampoo are the simplest ways to resolve oily scalp issues following your keratin treatment.

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