How Soon Can You Colour Your Hair After Getting A Keratin Treatment?

Can you picture yourself with a hideous colour patch in your hair that resembles a thatched bundle?

That is indeed what occurs when you colour your hair immediately following a Brazilian.

Thus, the subject is raised.

Can you colour your hair after a keratin treatment?

Professional hairstylists advise waiting two weeks following a keratin treatment before colouring your hair.

Before that, don’t even try your luck!

If you’re fascinated with hair colour, personally wait three weeks to be cautious.

Then you’ll be certain that adding a little touch of hue to your silky, smooth waves might transform their entire appearance from stunning to mind-blowing!

It immediately gives your hairstyles a completely new depth and makes your hair shine with an intensity that is unrivalled.

After receiving a keratin treatment, you can experiment with a new style by colouring your hair.

You must follow the rules, though!

Off the top of the head, right now…

We can inform you about a number of activities that are prohibited following keratin treatment.

One among them is unquestionably hair colouring.

We’ll provide compelling arguments for your patience.

This is what we’ll talk about:

  • Why after a keratin treatment you cannot straighten your hair and colour it

  • Bleaching hair after keratin treatments

  • When should you colour hair after a keratin treatment?

  • On the same day, both keratin treatments and colouring

  • The best sulphate free shampoo for coloured and keratin-treated hair

You do not want to witness your entire investment disappear into thin air, are we right?

So pay attention, and we’ll show you exactly what happens during those two weeks.

How Does Hair Coloring Operate?

Let us first describe how colour enters your hair.

The following two elements are essential to the process:

  • To dissolve natural hair colour, hydrogen peroxide softens the hair cuticle.

  • Ammonia opens the hair cuticle to let new colour in

You must prime your hair with a clarifying wash or colour prep treatment for this technique to be effective.


Because a clarifying shampoo removes the build-up of extra hair products that hinder the deposit of colour pigments into the hair cortex.

Your hair must absorb the pigments for the hair colour procedure to work best. Therefore, there shouldn’t be anything obstructing the colour molecules’ ability to penetrate the hair.

What Takes Place When Your Hair Is Colored After A Keratin Treatment?

After a recent keratin treatment, your hair will have a thin coating of keratin that takes two weeks to bind and deeply permeate your hair.

It envelops your hair and fortifies every fibre right down to the core.

As a result, the first two weeks are crucial since they determine how well and how long your keratin hair treatment will endure.

Anything that disrupts the setup process at this point may result in unanticipated outcomes like:

Areas of tangles

Uneven hair or even keratin that has been prematurely washed out

For the first two weeks, you need to do nothing with your hair and let the keratin do its job.

Because of this, your hairstylist also advises using a mild sulphate free shampoo after receiving a keratin treatment.


  • It is less harsh.

  • Anything you put in your hair during the first two weeks counts since it won’t disintegrate or obstruct the keratin-binding process and won’t leave build-up or residues.

Check out what happens if you dye your hair during this time.

It is obvious that colouring your hair after a keratin hair treatment is useless.


  • It wouldn’t function.

  • You will experience unfavourable effects.

  • Your money will be completely wasted because the colours will simply deposit on top of your hair.

  • The same holds true for highlights and bleaching.

I have a keratin treatment; may I bleach my hair?

Of all the hair colour treatments, bleach has the potential to be the most harmful.

Bleach destroys the protein structure of your hair and swells the cuticles, making them more susceptible to chemical harm.

Even after three weeks, we would seriously refrain from performing these types of hair treatments unless we first consulted with a qualified hair stylist.

What Is The Best Resolution, Then?

Because they don’t include ammonia or peroxides, semi-permanent hair colours are the ideal choice for keratin-treated hair.

Consider them to be the equivalent of hair mascara. They can be used to cover your hair in vivid colours until a few shampoos eventually make them disappear.

What is the best way to achieve this?

It’s simple.

Next time, dye your hair first and then get a keratin treatment.

It’s also a win-win circumstance.

There are more advantages to dyeing your hair beforehand in addition to the extended spa treatments you receive at your hair salon.

Let’s discuss why:

Ammonia opens the hair cuticles during a hair colour treatment, allowing colour to be injected into the cortex. It starts an oxidation process that raises the pH level of the hair to 10.

As a result, hair loses structural integrity and becomes more alkaline, becoming fragile, brittle, and dry.

Following a colour treatment with a keratin treatment:

  • Restores the structural damage to the hair

  • Restores the pH of the hair

  • Closes the cuticles and softens them

  • Eliminates all colour chemical stains (at step 1 – clarifying)

  • Additionally, a keratin treatment gives your hair a robust protective layer that stops colour pigments from evaporating when it is washed or exposed to sunlight.

As you can see, using this treatment allows the keratin barrier to complement rather than contrast your hair colour.

After that, all you have to do to preserve your freshly coloured and keratin-treated hair is use a color-safe, sulfate free shampoo such as “Cadiveu’s Brasil Cacau sulfate free mini kit for keratin treatment.”

The best sulfate free shampoo for coloured and keratin-treated hair

A high-end hair treatment calls for a high-end, professional aftercare regimen.

You’re next

Why give up one thing for the other?

Go ahead and colour your hair and receive a keratin treatment the same week if you can.

But keep in mind the proper sequence:

  • First, colour your hair

  • Next, have a keratin treatment, OR if you already missed your chance, wait at least 3 weeks before colouring your hair.

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